Background: The brief was that an infrastructure upgrade and the best outcome for handling the large stormwater drain that was traversing the site was required.
Strategy: Applicable requirements were obtained from Sydney Water via applications for servicing and adjustment. The site was constrained by aged trunk drainage lines and old sewer lines built in the early 1900’s. The main concern was the design and management of flooding and the assciated existing DN120mm Sydney Water Stormwater drain. Early consultation with the relavant stakeholders, Sydney Water, Inner West Council and utility providers resulting in early agreed solutions.
Solution: To achieve this, the following pipe deviations were required. 225mm and 1200mm sewer deviations, plus the 200mm watermain amplification.
- Deviation of the existing DN225mm sewer pipelines
- Deviation of the existing DN150mm watermain in McAleer Street
- DN3000mm wide *2000mm high by 5m deep trunk drainage diversion in narrow inner suburban laneways.
Care procurement of the required Sydney Water constructor resulted in a high level of safety, smart strategy in flow management and efficient infrastructure laying rates, all with time and budgetary parameters.